Weather in El Rincón de la Victoria
The climate is temperate and warm in Rincón de la Victoria. Winters are rainier than summers in Rincón de la Victoria. This climate is considered Csa according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification.
The average annual temperature in Rincón de la Victoria is 18.3 °C. Rainfall here averages 476 mm.
The driest month is July. There is 2 mm of precipitation in July. The highest amount of precipitation occurs in November, with an average of 79 mm.
Gastronomy of El Rincón de la Victoria
The gastronomy of Rincón de la Victoria is marked by the freshness of its fish. The king fish is the “Victorian anchovy”, celebrating from 23 to 25 September 2,016 gastronomic days on the subject.
We also celebrate the Feria de la Tapa, from 2 to 5 June 2016, an event that attracts thousands of visitors.
The first weekend of March we organized the “Jornada Gastronómica de la Cuchara” (Gastronomic Day of the Spoon), where we tasted the traditional stews of our region.
You can also taste here the tasty sardines, accompanied with zoque (traditional corner gazpacho) or ajoblanco.
Other typical dishes are the maimones (soup based on bread, tomato, oil, garlic and clams), fennel stew, cabbage, etc., as well as the traditional borrachuelos and Christmas pestiños. All this watered with good wine from neighboring Moclinejo.
Also worth mentioning are fruits such as breva, chumbo, muscat grape, fig, avocado, mango, etc.
Monuments of Rincón de la Victoria
La Casa-Fuerte de Bezmiliana is, without a doubt, the most emblematic monument.
It was ordered to be built around 1766 as a complement to the traditional organisation of the military defence already existing in the 16th century (the El Cantal Tower and the Benagalbón Tower formed part of it) in order to reject the maritime and land piracy that stalked the area.
The two almenara towers in the municipal area date back to the 14th century, although the first written news dates from 1492, the year in which they were inscribed in a report sent to the Catholic Monarchs for reconstruction.
They had the function of continuously watching the sea to alert the nearby fortresses of pirate raids by smoking during the day and bonfires at night.
The Museum of Popular Arts is located in the nucleus of Benagalbón and was created in 1995 by popular initiative and with the sponsorship of the Area of Culture of the City council of Rincón de la Victoria, in order to preserve our roots and cultural traditions.
This museum is basically distributed in two parts: one dedicated to the traditional farmhouse (consisting of living room, kitchen and bedroom) and the other to the tools and implements typical of the area.